Business case for EI
Spark employee productivityThere’s more to great performance than technical ability
What is Leadership development?
The leadership development coaching program is customized to your needs.
We start with a 360 degree assessment, called the Emotional Social Competence Inventory (ESCI) that assesses 12 competencies. Available in several languages, the ESCI is a multirater survey. You will be seeking confidential feedback from your manager, direct reports, peers and clients.
Once the ESCI is completed, the leader receives 24 hours of coaching spreadout over one year. These executive coaching hours provide customized development, equipping leaders with the ESCI and almost a year of one-on-one coaching.
How it works?
Details of the ESCI will be explained in a pre-work email. The ESCI is administered online by with a user name and password. The ESCI takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and you may save your answers if you do not complete the survey in one session.
The coaching conversations are bi-weekly and provide for a customized strategy resulting in ingrained new behaviours for superior leadership performance.
Focusing on specific competencies, the coach facilitates the leader’s development of greater awareness and new behaviours through individual assignments, practice and repetition that respond to the client’s current needs and unique challenges.
We also review how and what the leader is eating and provide guidance to fine-tune their food intake to provide more energy; therefore, increasing productivity and greater leadership.
Our Leadership Development program creates leaders who are working at their best with:
Greater emotional intelligence
Better engaged teams
More energy through better food choices
Many of our clients have benefited from long-term development strategies and progress to executive coaching.

Coaching Leaders and Teams to Greatness
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