What is EI?

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What is Emotional Intelligence?

“Emotional Intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feeling and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships.”

What is EI?

International EI expert Dr. Daniel Goleman said, “Emotional Intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feeling and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships.”

Emotional Intelligence comprises a set of characteristics and competencies not generally included in intelligence tests. Yet these are fundamental to how all employees – from entry-level to top executives – work with people, an essential ingredient for organizational success.

Goleman and the Hay Group have identified a set of competencies that differentiate individuals with Emotional Intelligence. The competencies fall into four clusters:

What is EI?

Self-Awareness: the ability to understand one’s emotions, strengths, and weaknesses; accurate self-assessment; self-confidence

Self-Management: the capacity for effectively managing one’s motives and regulating behaviour; self-control, trustworthiness; adaptability; initiative.

Social Awareness: understanding the feelings of others and why they feel and act as they do; empathy; organizational awareness; service orientation.

Relationship Management: the ability to get results from others and reach personal goals; developing others; influence; communication; change catalyst; teamwork and collaboration.

What is EI?

Hay Group says Emotional Intelligence applied to leaders and teams in companies is an organizational development breakthrough. It has significantly increased the capability to help individuals and organizations truly change in ways that will increase individual and organizational effectiveness.

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